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Trump is the MOST INNOCENT, Don Jr’s Night with Daddy & National COVID Emergency Declared Over

Trump is the MOST INNOCENT, Don Jr’s Night with Daddy & National COVID Emergency Declared Over

Joe Biden has officially declared the COVID National Emergency over, we take a look back at all of the COVID era memories, the President is in Belfast right now on what is his first trip to Ireland since taking office, Jimmy’s Irish cousins are here in the audience, the Biden Administration wants to create a special press briefing room at the White House, Donald Trump reportedly had a major talk over the weekend with Melania in anticipation of their Easter appearance, Don Jr. went to the UFC fight with Daddy, Trump was on with Tucker Carlson about his first of what should be many arrests, the election is still 572 days away and Trump’s campaign is already breaking the rules, he continues to insist that he has done nothing wrong and is the most innocent, and YouTube superstar Mark Rober imparts a lesson on folks in our neighborhood in anticipation of his new show “Revengineers” premiering April 20th on Discovery Channel.