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4-Day Workweeks Mean A Happier Workforce, Labor Flexibility, and Better Company Performance

Photo Credit: krakenimages
4-Day Workweek Basics
There is growing evidence that implementing a four-day workweek can lead to various benefits for both employees and employers. Here are some ways a four-day workweek can decrease employee turnover, increase labor force reliability, and improve company performance:
Increased employee satisfaction and well-being: A shorter workweek can help reduce employee burnout, stress, and fatigue, leading to better job satisfaction and overall well-being. When employees are happier and more fulfilled at work, they are less likely to leave their jobs, reducing turnover rates.
Improved work-life balance: A four-day workweek can give employees more time to spend with their families and engage in leisure activities. This can lead to better mental and physical health, which can translate to better job performance and reliability.
Enhanced productivity: Research suggests that shorter workweeks can actually increase productivity. When employees have fewer workdays, they tend to be more focused, efficient, and productive during the time they are at work. Moreover, having a long weekend can help employees recharge and return to work more energized and productive.
Reduced absenteeism: A four-day workweek can reduce absenteeism rates, as employees have more time to take care of personal matters and attend to their physical and mental health needs outside of work hours. This can help increase labor force reliability, as employees are less likely to miss work due to personal reasons.
Improved recruitment and retention: Offering a four-day workweek can be an attractive perk for job seekers and can help companies attract and retain top talent. By providing employees with a better work-life balance, companies can build a more engaged, loyal, and committed workforce.
Overall, implementing a four-day workweek can lead to a range of benefits for both employees and employers, including decreased turnover, increased labor force reliability, and improved company performance. However, it’s important to note that implementing such a change requires careful planning and communication to ensure that productivity, customer service, and other critical business metrics are not negatively impacted.
60 Companies Test Out 4-day Workweeks... And Then Decide to Keep Them
Companies in the U.K. that experimented with a four-day workweek last year reported more revenue and less staff attrition, while most workers participating in the trial said they experienced less burnout, fewer negative emotions and more satisfaction with their work-life balance.
15 percent of employees who participated said that “no amount of money” would convince them to go back to working five days a week.
Shifting to a four-day, 32-hour workweek can boost employees’ mental and physical health without tanking revenues, a U.K.-based trial of dozens of employers found Tuesday, bolstering a push to shorten workweeks in the U.S.
Fifty-six of the 61 participating employers have stuck with the model, and 15% of the workers said no amount of additional pay would lure them back to a five-day week.
A trial of a four-day workweek in Britain, billed as the world’s largest, has found that an overwhelming majority of the 61 companies that participated from June to December will keep going with the shorter hours and that most employees were less stressed and had better work-life balance.
A large majority of U.K. companies participating in a test of a four-day workweek said they would stick with it after logging sharp drops in worker turnover and absenteeism while largely maintaining productivity during the six-month study.
Of the 61 companies, a whopping 91% said they were definitely continuing to follow a four-day schedule or were planning to continue, the study’s organizers said. Just 4% of the companies said they were returning to a five-day-per-week schedule.
The vast majority of employers that participated in a program billed as the world’s largest four-day workweek trial said they will continue with the schedule. According to a new report, companies and organizations reported lower turnover among employees and other benefits, while workers said they saw reduced burnout and other boosts for their health.
Men participating in the world’s biggest trial of a four-day work week spent much more time with their children, organizers say.