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News & Opinion

News and opinion articles and videos.

Biden's Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

Biden’s Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

In recent months, Americans have faced an unprecedented rise in the price of eggs, leaving many households feeling the pinch at the grocery store. While some pundits have pointed fingers in various directions, including at President Biden’s infrastructure investments, it’s crucial to understand that these projects are not the culprits behind the escalating cost of this everyday staple. Instead, factors such as the avian influenza outbreak, rising feed and fuel costs, and general inflationary pressures have driven the surge in egg prices. Understanding these real causes is essential for addressing the challenges effectively.

Read the full article to learn more about the true reasons behind the high cost of eggs and why infrastructure investments are not to blame.

5 Reasons Why Biden's Investments in the Electric Vehicle Industry May Have Saved America's Future Economy

5 Reasons Why Biden’s Investments in the Electric Vehicle Industry May Have Saved America’s Future Economy

President Joe Biden’s strategic investments in the electric vehicle (EV) industry are more than an environmental initiative; they are a critical move to secure America’s economic future. These investments are driving job creation, fostering technological innovation, enhancing environmental sustainability, modernizing infrastructure, and ensuring global competitiveness. As the world shifts towards cleaner, more advanced transportation, Biden’s policies position the United States as a leader in this transformative era.

Against All Enemies Trailer

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Why would US military veterans take up arms against the country they swore an oath to protect? Through gripping personal perspectives from all sides of this ongoing crisis, Against All Enemies goes deep inside the violent extremist movement in America, alongside the Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, and with never-before-seen footage of the Oath Keepers. These groups, organized and led by highly trained military veterans, pose one of the greatest threats to the United States today. While most veterans are successful in their transition to civilian life, an increasingly radicalized element is drawn to the insurrectionist movement. We saw evidence of this during the January 6 Capitol riots, but the danger goes far beyond a single day. The film explores the historical roots of the insurrectionist cause, its conspiracy fueled draw for today’s veterans, and the top-cover coming from powerful politicians and highly decorated former military officers. Against All Enemies is a warning about an existential threat to democracy and a beacon for those hoping to combat it.