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FactCheck: Proposed Ontario Bill for LGBTQ+ Community Safety Zones Sparks Misinformation

A proposed bill introduced in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario aimed at providing legal protections for members of the LGBTQ+ community and drag artists has sparked misinformation on social media. The 2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones Act, introduced by four left-leaning lawmakers, would allow the Ontario attorney general to designate a space for 2SLGBTQI+ persons as a community safety zone where it would be illegal to commit acts of intimidation within 100 meters of the established boundary. However, social media users have misrepresented the bill’s content and status, using a clip from the April 4 press conference to inaccurately claim that Canada has outlawed protests against the LGBTQ+ community. While the bill is a private members’ bill and has not become law, it has raised awareness about the need for legal protections for the LGBTQ+ community.

Video shows Russians appearing to flee Ukrainian attack near Bakhmut

Video shows Russians appearing to flee Ukrainian attack near Bakhmut

Video posted on Telegram by Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to Ukraine’s minister of internal affairs, appears to show Russian infantry fleeing a Ukrainian counterattack near Bakhmut. The video was purportedly filmed on May 11, though CNN cannot independently verify the date.

‘We’re open for business’ - CIA drops video to recruit Russian spies

‘We’re open for business’: CIA drops video to recruit Russian spies

The Central Intelligence Agency has launched a new effort to capitalize on what US intelligence officials believe is an “unprecedented” opportunity to convince Russians disaffected by the war in Ukraine and life in Russia to share their secrets, posting a slickly produced, cinematic recruitment video online.