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News & Opinion

News and opinion articles and videos.

Putin's Russia: A Country at War with Itself

Video: A Country at War with Itself | Putin’s Russia

Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has brought war back to Europe and is transforming Russia itself— dissent is crushed, propaganda is raging and fear is everywhere. Filmed over 12 months with unparalleled access, VICE News documents how this war is pushing the country from authoritarianism to dictatorship.

Dark Brandon

Preventing a cobalt crisis in Congo

Rebels in eastern Congo and the Congolese army have been fighting since the 1990s. The fighting escalated in 2022 as Rwanda-backed rebels, known as M23, invaded and took over several villages. The violence escalated further last summer when M23 moved closer to the area near Goma, one of the largest cities in the region. A war between Congo and Rwanda would not only be a humanitarian disaster, but it would upend the administration’s efforts to get into the cobalt market — a key component for electric vehicle batteries. Congo is home to about 70 percent of the world’s cobalt reserves, and China, one of Washington’s biggest trade competitors, is its main producer and is supporting M23 with drones.

Leveraging Public Streets CCTV and AI Technologies to Enhance Public Safety and Reduce Law Enforcement Costs | Crime in America

Tech firms face new international restrictions on data and privacy

The rapid growth of e-commerce in recent decades has been accompanied by an increase in digital trade barriers. Those include requirements for companies to store their data in the country where it is collected or to hand over their source code to a joint venture partner in order to do business in a particular market. Until now, the United States has been a leading voice on the international stage pushing back against such provisions, which it argued not only hurt big tech companies but small and medium-size companies that increasingly rely on the internet to do business.

Dark Brandon

Biden moves to bring microchip production home

The Covid pandemic sharpened bipartisan fears in Washington about U.S. reliance on microchips produced overseas — primarily in China or Taiwan. As factories shut down in Asia and supply chains snarled, U.S. automakers and other manufacturers were unable to get the chips they needed, idling their plants and spiking prices for cars and other goods. That led the Biden administration and lawmakers from both parties to consider policies to bring production of the most advanced microchips back to the U.S.

cannabis | marijuana | richtea360

Biden recommends loosening federal restrictions on marijuana

Since the Nixon administration, marijuana has been classified in federal law in the same category as LSD and heroin — drugs categorized as having a high propensity for addiction and no known medical value. In October 2022, as more and more states have moved to legalize cannabis, Biden issued an executive order directing the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct a review of all available cannabis science and recommend whether the classification of marijuana should be changed.

Dark Brandon

A new agency to investigate cyberattacks

Organizations that fall victim to hacks often keep tight-lipped about what happened due to fear of legal liability or brand damage. But cybersecurity experts have long warned that the country will never break free from an endless cycle of computer breaches unless companies and government agencies become more transparent about how they got infiltrated. The danger was underscored in 2020 when a sophisticated Russian hack breached nine federal agencies.

sexy girl | Alex Azabache | https://unsplash.com/@alexazabache

Giving smaller food producers a boost

Soaring food prices and supply chain crunches for meat and other staples during the Covid-19 pandemic drew attention to the highly consolidated agriculture sector, in which key sectors like meatpacking are dominated by a handful of “Big Ag” behemoths. Biden entered office promising to crack down on food monopolies and support small and midsize U.S. farmers, whose numbers have cratered in recent decades.

winter storm blizzard slams california Donner pass atmospheric river

Video: Insane blizzard slams California – Strands hundreds on Donner Pass Atmospheric River

One of the most intense #blizzards I have been in anywhere in the country slammed #California for multiple days. Interstate 80 was turned into a parking lot stranding hundreds with intense winds with heavy blowing snow. Semi-trucks littered the road as CHP and CalTrans tried to get everyone unstuck on Donner Pass. Earlier in the day white out conditions and heavy #snow caused motorists to get stuck all over the pass. We pulled out many vehicles. Plows worked overtime trying to keep up as feet of snow fell. Winds were well over 100 mph on the pass at times.

fallacies of logic and reasoning

Navigating the Maze: Unraveling the Web of Fallacies in Logic and Reasoning

Explore the intricate landscape of logical fallacies with our comprehensive guide. From Ad Hominem to Fallacy of Equivocation, this article unveils 52 common reasoning pitfalls, shedding light on the subtle nuances that can compromise the clarity and validity of arguments. Arm yourself with the knowledge to navigate discussions, fostering a culture of critical thinking and reasoned discourse.

how to find the truth | the smoking chair | fallacies of logic and reasoning | fake news

Unveiling the Truth: The Power of Objective Evidence and the Pitfalls of Fallacious Arguments

Unlock the secrets to discovering truth by demanding objective evidence and steering clear of fallacious arguments. Explore the power of critical thinking, verifiable sources, and cross-verification, while learning to recognize and avoid common fallacies. Embrace a mindset that values evidence over rhetoric for a more informed and rational approach to unraveling the complexities of the world.

Sexy Girl | Dainis Graveris | https://unsplash.com/@dainisgraveris

First over-the-counter birth control pill to hit U.S. stores in 2024

The push to make an oral contraceptive available without a prescription predates Biden’s presidency. But the issue took on fresh urgency when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, particularly as conservatives openly questioned the legal precedent establishing the right to privacy for birth control access. Within weeks of the ruling, a contraceptive maker, which had spent more than six years studying consumers’ ability to use the product correctly without a doctor’s supervision, applied to the FDA for over-the-counter approval.