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Economic Issues

The Soaring Costs of Higher Education: A Silent Contributor to Inflation Woes

The Soaring Costs of Higher Education: A Silent Contributor to Inflation Woes

Explore how the soaring costs of higher education, driven by inflated tuition fees, student debt, and extravagant construction projects, are contributing to broader economic inflation. Delve into the interconnected factors shaping the financial landscape of education and discover the potential ripple effects on the economy.

The Looming Threat: Why America Must Lead the Electric Vehicle Revolution

The Looming Threat: Why America Must Lead the Electric Vehicle Revolution

Discover why America’s potential concession of the electric vehicle market to China poses a dire threat to America’s economic future and global standing. From job losses and trade deficits to technological setbacks and national security concerns, this article explores the far-reaching implications of falling behind in the race for electric vehicle dominance.