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On The Issues

Fallacies of Logic and Reasoning | Fake News Alerts | Critical Thinking Skills | Partisan For The People | @stowkelly

Unraveling the Circular Reasoning Fallacy: A Logical Loop of Deception

Learn about the Circular Reasoning Fallacy, a logical trap where the premise and conclusion of an argument are essentially the same, creating a self-referential loop devoid of meaningful evidence. Understand how to identify, avoid, and unravel this deceptive form of reasoning to foster critical thinking and logical analysis in discourse.

Fallacies of Logic and Reasoning | Fake News Alerts | Critical Thinking Skills | @benwhitephotography

Unveiling the Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy: A Critical Examination

Unveiling the Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy: Delve into the subtle yet potent adversary of sound reasoning. Learn how this fallacy exploits gaps in knowledge, perpetuates misinformation, and hampers critical thinking. Discover strategies to counter it and foster rational discourse.

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Preventing discriminatory mortgage lending

In 1977, Congress passed a law to combat a practice known as redlining, where for decades the government had discouraged lenders from extending mortgage loans to borrowers in Black neighborhoods. The law requires banks to lend to creditworthy lower-income people in the same neighborhoods where they have branches that take deposits. But the growth of the internet and mobile banking have made those rules increasingly obsolete. Banks, in effect, had a major presence in many neighborhoods where they had no branches.

Guns and Second Amendment | Voters Issues | @stngr

Students in Israel Don’t Carry Guns to Class, Contrary to Social Media Posts

Israel has established strict measures in response to armed attacks on its schoolchildren. But social media posts falsely claim there have been “no school shootings in Israel” and use a photo to misleadingly suggest students carry weapons to class. Only guards and other specific personnel — not students — can carry arms in Israeli schools.

Education | Voters Issues | @claritycontrol

Illinois School District’s Shift to Equitable Grading Is Misrepresented Online

A school district in Illinois is considering implementing “equitable grading,” which would focus more on evaluating student learning than class participation or homework. A conservative website misrepresented the idea as a “race-based grading system” in a story that went viral. The equitable grading system would apply to all students.

Dark Brandon

Making airlines pay up when flights are delayed or canceled

Never mind luxury travel, now some airline passengers pay extra just for the basics. But getting your money back when a flight gets canceled or significantly delayed is one effort the Biden’s administration’s Transportation Department has tried to address as part of a new tough stance on the airline industry, especially after multiple instances of air travel gone awry.

benefits of universal basic healthcare | picsea

Gun violence prevention and gun safety get a boost

After the 2022 massacre of 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, the Biden administration called for stricter gun legislation. Uvalde spurred the first significant gun safety law in 30 years, which Biden signed in June of 2022, and the president took further action on his own.

Strengthening military ties to Asian allies

Strengthening military ties to Asian allies

Biden came into office with the goal of countering China by rebuilding military alliances with Asian allies. In late 2022, a top Pentagon official promised to accelerate that effort, vowing that “2023 is likely to stand as the most transformative year in U.S. force posture in the [Pacific] region in a generation.”

Dark Brandon

Countering China with a new alliance between Japan and South Korea

South Korea and Japan have a mutual antipathy that goes back decades, linked to Japan’s brutal colonial rule of Korea from 1910-1945 as well as long-simmering territorial disputes in the East China Sea. That has fueled such acrimony in South Korea that until relatively recently public opinion polls in the country have rated Japanese leaders only slightly more popular than North Korea’s.

Fixing bridges, building tunnels and expanding broadband

Fixing bridges, building tunnels and expanding broadband

Successive presidents tried for so many years to pass infrastructure legislation that it became a running joke in Washington. Maybe that’s one reason polls show that voters don’t know that Biden finally broke that logjam, and did it with support from lawmakers of both political parties. It was the kind of historic investment — following years of deferred needs — that previous presidents had tried and failed to achieve.

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Biden empowers federal agencies to monitor AI

Artificial intelligence has gone mainstream. As U.S. tech companies have raced to release shockingly powerful large language models, public reaction ran the gamut from rapture to horror. Policymakers from Washington to Beijing realized quickly that generative AI — and successive AI breakthroughs — would crown new market leaders, hand more decisions to machines, put cyberattacks on steroids and fundamentally alter people’s trust in what they see, read or hear. Biden has taken a keen interest in understanding the inner workings of large language models and how the U.S. could turn AI into a lasting economic advantage.

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Making medication more accessible through telemedicine

During the Covid public health emergency, the federal government took several steps to make it easier to access health care via telemedicine. Most of those measures have ended. But one of the regulations that Biden held in place allows many controlled substances like Adderall for ADHD treatment, testosterone for gender-affirming care and buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder to be prescribed without first having an in-person visit. In-person-visit requirements have traditionally been used to prevent fraud and abuse.

benefits of universal basic healthcare | picsea

The Cost-Effective Wisdom of Universal Basic Healthcare

Explore the cost-effective wisdom of universal basic healthcare in this article. Discover how preventive care, reduced emergency room visits, and societal equality contribute to long-term savings and improved public health outcomes.

benefits of UBI Environmental Responsibility

How Universal Basic Income (UBI) Empowers Environmental Sustainability

Explore how Universal Basic Income (UBI) can empower individuals to prioritize environmentally friendly choices, fostering sustainability through financial security, innovation, conscious consumption, education, and lifestyle changes. Discover the transformative potential of UBI in shaping a greener future for our planet.

benefits of universal basic healthcare

The Economic Impact of Universal Basic Healthcare: A Cost-Saving Revolution

Explore the potential economic impact of Universal Basic Healthcare in the United States. Despite logistical challenges, recent studies project annual savings of $500 billion, challenging the notion that UBH is a financial burden. Discover how administrative efficiency, preventive care, and negotiating power could revolutionize the nation’s healthcare system, leading to a healthier population and substantial cost savings for American taxpayers.

UBI Dignity and Autonomy

Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Human Dignity: A Path to Independent Basic Needs Fulfillment

Explore the transformative impact of Universal Basic Income (UBI) on human dignity. Discover how UBI, by ensuring every individual’s access to basic needs, fosters autonomy, reduces stigma, and enhances mental well-being, creating a more inclusive and harmonious society. Join the conversation on how UBI can be a catalyst for positive change and a pathway to a dignified and equitable future.

paying for universal basic income

Financing Universal Basic Income: A Comprehensive Approach

Explore the financial landscape of Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the U.S. Discover estimated costs, potential savings from universal healthcare, welfare service consolidation, and technological advancements. Delve into the proposal of a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on national GDP for budget balancing. Uncover intangible benefits, including reduced poverty and crime, contributing to an enhanced quality of life. Gain insights into a comprehensive approach to financing UBI and its potential societal impact.