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Partisan For The People

Explore policy-driven and pro-democracy insights with our dedicated category. Engage in thoughtful discussions, analyses, and solutions centered on political policies and the democratic process. Empower your understanding and advocacy with our curated collection of pro-democracy and policy-oriented political content.

Universal Basic Income benefits

Economic Stability and the Ripple Effect: How UBI Benefits All

Discover the profound impact of Universal Basic Income (UBI) on economic stability and its far-reaching benefits for society. Explore how UBI reduces poverty, encourages entrepreneurship, and creates a more equitable, inclusive future for all.

Vaccinations | Vaccines

Viral Video Repeats Bogus Claim About Vaccines and Visible Ailments

A video repeating the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the sudden onset of various visible ailments — such as fainting and facial paralysis — is making the rounds, again. But, just like the other, similar posts we’ve addressed, there’s no support for this one, either.

sexy girl | dainis graveris

From Extortion to Liberation: The Case for Drug Legalization and a Universal Basic Income

The walls of America’s prisons hold not only non-violent drug offenders but also the potential for societal transformation. It’s time to break free from the grip of extortion and embrace drug legalization and regulation. By redirecting the astronomical costs of incarceration, we can create a fairer society through a universal basic income. Discover how ending the war on drugs can unlock human potential, restore families, and empower communities.

High Winds, Drought Conditions Led to Maui Fires, No Evidence Intentionally Set

High Winds, Drought Conditions Led to Maui Fires, No Evidence Intentionally Set

It’s not known what sparked the wildfires in Maui, although some evidence points to downed power lines. The conditions were ripe for fire, as large amounts of invasive grasses were dry due to drought and high winds helped to rapidly spread flames. Bogus posts on social media, however, are baselessly claiming the fires were intentionally set.

sexy girl | Chema photo | https://unsplash.com/@chema_photo

The Citizens United Decision: How the Wealthy Dominate the Political Narrative

The Citizens United decision has allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited amounts of money in support of political candidates, leading to a situation where the political discourse is dominated by the voices of the rich and powerful. This has resulted in policies that benefit the wealthy at the expense of everyday Americans, while misinformation and disinformation floods the airwaves, making it difficult for voters to separate fact from fiction.

sexy girl | artem labunsky | https://unsplash.com/@labunsky

Why Minimum Wage Falls Short: The Case for Universal Basic Income

While the minimum wage may seem like a logical solution to income inequality, it places an undue burden on small businesses and may not guarantee a living wage. Instead, we need to consider Universal Basic Income (UBI), which provides financial stability for citizens and empowers them to negotiate fair compensation with their employers. UBI also gives citizens something that minimum wage never can – time – to pursue education or start a business.

The Multifaceted Detrimental Effects of Poverty on Society

Discover the profound societal consequences of poverty in this doctorate-level blog post. Explore its detrimental effects on health, education, crime, and economic productivity, as well as its impact on social cohesion and mental well-being. Learn how addressing poverty is vital for creating a more equitable and prosperous society.

Unveiling the Impending Disruption: Top 50 Jobs Vulnerable to AI Takeover by 2025

Explore the ominous forecast for employment as AI technology advances. Our PhD-level blog post ranks the top 50 jobs most vulnerable to AI takeover by 2025, revealing the impending disruption in various industries. Discover how automation reshapes the workforce landscape and learn how to navigate this transformative era.

Unraveling False Causality on Fox News: Analyzing Deceptive Connections

Uncover the False Causality fallacy on Fox News! Explore deceptive connections between economic policies and stock market performance, immigration and crime rates, and climate change and extreme weather events. Learn to discern causation from correlation for a more informed media consumption. Read our comprehensive blog to unravel the truth behind misleading narratives.

Sexy Girl | Garin Chadwick | https://unsplash.com/@garinchadwick

America’s Failing Welfare System: Time for Change

America’s welfare system: a costly maze, a bandaid fix, and a missed opportunity. It’s time to break free from divisions and embrace innovative solutions. Let’s invest in education where it matters, provide stipends for local college dreams, and bridge the gap to success. And as for homelessness, a universal basic income holds the key, ensuring no one falls through the cracks. It’s time to rewrite the story, empower individuals, and build a brighter future for all.

Sexy Girl | Dainis Graveris | https://unsplash.com/@dainisgraveris

The Failing Prison System: A Tool of Extortion Against the American People

As the prison doors close, so does the promise of justice and rehabilitation. What was meant to protect society and guide individuals towards a better path has become a mechanism of exploitation and failure. Join us as we uncover the shocking truth about America’s prison system and how it has transformed into a tool to extort the American people.

All Unborn Babies Go To Heaven

All Unborn Babies Go To Heaven

Discover the comforting belief that all unborn babies go to heaven. Explore the theological foundations and find solace for grieving parents in this thoughtful article.

COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Cause ‘Turbo Cancer’

Daily Fact-Check: COVID-19 Vaccines Have Not Been Shown to Cause ‘Turbo Cancer’

People with cancer are particularly vulnerable to severe disease and death from COVID-19. Vaccines provide needed protection. It has not been shown that COVID-19 vaccines cause or accelerate cancer. Nor does a recent paper about a mouse that died of lymphoma “prove” that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine induced “turbo cancer,” contrary to social media claims.

sexy girl | Dainis Graveris | https://unsplash.com/@dainisgraveris

Upholding Patriotism: Defending the American Justice System

In a nation that prides itself on patriotism, there are those who mistakenly believe that defaming the American justice system is an act of loyalty. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. By tarnishing the pillars of fairness, due process, and the rule of law, these individuals inadvertently aid America’s enemies. It’s time to shed light on the importance of defending our justice system and how it truly upholds the values that make our country great.

ad hominem fallacy explanation and examples

50 Days of Fallacy: Unmasking the Ad Hominem Fallacy

Unmasking the Ad Hominem Fallacy: Explore the history, examples, and tools to identify this common debate tactic. Learn why it’s a favorite of fraudsters and propagandists, and differentiate it from similar fallacies.