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College | Student Debt | Brooke Cagle

A penalty for college programs that trap students in debt

For decades, the federal government has gone back and forth on the best way to solve the problem of workers who struggle to earn a living after graduating from the country’s for-profit colleges or career training programs. The Obama administration first laid out specific metrics requiring schools who want access to a lucrative stream of government funds to prove that its graduates are prepared for “gainful employment” and don’t end up with lots of student debt relative to their income. But Obama’s team never fully implemented its rules after lengthy legal fights. The Trump administration eventually scrapped the effort. Then Biden won office, and revived Obama’s plan — with a twist.

Education | Voters Issues | @garinchadwick

Trump’s Hollow Claim about ‘Inner Cities

President Donald Trump claimed that his administration is “spending a lot of money on the inner cities.” But there has been little change in spending so far, and his first budget proposes to cut or eliminate funding for some programs that benefit cities.

Education | Voters Issues | @claritycontrol

Illinois School District’s Shift to Equitable Grading Is Misrepresented Online

A school district in Illinois is considering implementing “equitable grading,” which would focus more on evaluating student learning than class participation or homework. A conservative website misrepresented the idea as a “race-based grading system” in a story that went viral. The equitable grading system would apply to all students.

The Soaring Costs of Higher Education: A Silent Contributor to Inflation Woes

The Soaring Costs of Higher Education: A Silent Contributor to Inflation Woes

Explore how the soaring costs of higher education, driven by inflated tuition fees, student debt, and extravagant construction projects, are contributing to broader economic inflation. Delve into the interconnected factors shaping the financial landscape of education and discover the potential ripple effects on the economy.