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Dive into the world of politics with our comprehensive category. Stay informed with the latest updates, insightful analysis, and in-depth coverage of political events and issues. Explore the dynamics of governance and policy-making through our curated collection of political content.

‘Historic’: Law professor reacts to unanimous Trump immunity ruling

‘Historic’: Law professor reacts to unanimous Trump immunity ruling

CNN’s Anderson Cooper talks to Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe and CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about a federal appeals court ruling that Donald Trump is not immune from prosecution for alleged crimes he committed during his presidency to reverse the 2020 election results.

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Making medication more accessible through telemedicine

During the Covid public health emergency, the federal government took several steps to make it easier to access health care via telemedicine. Most of those measures have ended. But one of the regulations that Biden held in place allows many controlled substances like Adderall for ADHD treatment, testosterone for gender-affirming care and buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder to be prescribed without first having an in-person visit. In-person-visit requirements have traditionally been used to prevent fraud and abuse.

benefits of universal basic healthcare | picsea

The Cost-Effective Wisdom of Universal Basic Healthcare

Explore the cost-effective wisdom of universal basic healthcare in this article. Discover how preventive care, reduced emergency room visits, and societal equality contribute to long-term savings and improved public health outcomes.

UBI enhances democracy

Universal Basic Income: A Catalyst for Democratic Empowerment

Explore how Universal Basic Income (UBI) acts as a catalyst for democratic empowerment, fostering civic engagement, reducing inequality, empowering individual choices, and promoting innovation. Discover how UBI enhances democracy by ensuring economic security and encouraging active participation in the democratic process.

Trump paid $20,000 to rent plant for fake union auto worker event: filing

Trump paid $20,000 to rent plant for fake union auto worker event: filing

Perhaps in the hope of competing with some of the acclaim President Joe Biden received for showing solidarity with striking UAW members, Donald Trump staged a rally with fake auto worker union members, only to be exposed when local reporters talked to attendees who were not union members or not even auto workers. Rachel Maddow reports on new campaign finance filings that show Trump paid $20,000 to the nonunion auto parts plant he used to stage the event.

Appeal to Fear Fallacy

The Appeal to Fear Fallacy: Understanding Its Influence and Pitfalls

Explore the insidious influence of the Appeal to Fear fallacy in rhetoric and persuasion. Learn how it manipulates emotions, distorts perceptions, and undermines rational discourse, and discover strategies to counter its deceptive tactics for informed decision-making.

benefits of UBI Environmental Responsibility

How Universal Basic Income (UBI) Empowers Environmental Sustainability

Explore how Universal Basic Income (UBI) can empower individuals to prioritize environmentally friendly choices, fostering sustainability through financial security, innovation, conscious consumption, education, and lifestyle changes. Discover the transformative potential of UBI in shaping a greener future for our planet.

UBI encourages innovation

Unleashing Innovation: How Universal Basic Income (UBI) Fuels Creative Exploration

Discover how Universal Basic Income (UBI) encourages innovation by providing financial security, fostering risk-taking, investing in education, promoting creativity, reducing economic inequality, and stimulating local economies. Explore the transformative potential of UBI in unleashing human ingenuity and driving societal progress.

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