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Immerse yourself in the world of entertainment with our dynamic category. Discover the latest news, celebrity interviews, movie reviews, and behind-the-scenes insights. Explore the magic of entertainment through our curated collection of engaging content.

snl Weekend Update ft. Sarah Sherman

SNL: Weekend Update ft. Sarah Sherman

Weekend Update hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che cover the week’s biggest news before speaking with Colin’s agent J.J. Gordon (Sarah Sherman).

nomad definition

Universal Basic Income: A Path to Stability for Nomads of the 21st Century

Explore how Universal Basic Income (UBI) can offer stability and dignity to those facing economic hardship, as highlighted in ‘Nomadland‘ by Jessica Bruder. Discover how UBI addresses the challenges of economic instability and job insecurity, providing a path to a more secure and equitable future.

superpower trailer

SUPERPOWER Trailer: Streaming on Paramount Plus

The P+ Original documentary Superpower tells the story of how Sean Penn heads to Ukraine to learn more about comedic-actor turned president, Volodymyr Zelensky. It was to be an amusing film – it has turned into a document of history. When Penn was brought into an undisclosed bunker in the Presidential Palace, the Russian invasion had begun. Penn talked to President Zelensky as explosions rocked the city. He became an inadvertent front-row witness to this historic ‘David and Goliath’ struggle. Through moments of levity, inspiration and on the ground storytelling, it becomes clear that Ukraine’s Superpower lies in the strength of its leader, its people, and ultimately, its heart.



Join Golf Girl Grace Charis as she takes you on a captivating journey through ‘The Tribute‘ golf course. Get ready for an expert course review that will help you navigate the fairways and greens like a pro. Discover the secrets to conquering this beautiful golfing gem with Grace’s insightful tips and commentary. Don’t miss this must-watch video for golf enthusiasts and course aficionados!

Maher: Biden's Finest Hour

Maher: Biden’s Finest Hour

Bill reacts to the top stories of the week, including President Biden‘s visit to Israel and the Republicans‘ inability to govern.

Food Safety: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Oliver: Food Safety

John Oliver discusses the groups in charge of keeping our food safe – from the FDA, to the USDA, to, most crucially, the Association for Dressings and Sauces.

bill maher Israel's 9:11

Maher: Israel’s 9/11

James Kirchick and Matt Duss join Bill Maher to discuss the Israel-Hamas war and its reverberations in American media and academia.

Bill warns that technology and safetyism are leading to a public health crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection.

Maher: New Rule The Lone Danger

Bill warns that technology and safetyism are leading to a public health crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection.

Grace Charis VS Claire Hogle | Your Favorite Golf Girl Showdown

Golf Girl Showdown: Grace Charis VS Claire Hogle

Here is another Episode of our Golf Girl Showdown, where we compare the top ladies of golf influence! Which of these two babes catches your eyes more? Grace Charis has driven more than just the goofball but Claire Hogle is a little new to the scene.

jimmy kimmel naked attraction aunt chippy many penises

Kimmel: Aunt Chippy Reviews the Many Penises of “Naked Attraction

Since Aunt Chippy is now a dating show veteran after being on “The Golden Bachelor” we thought we’d get her take on another popular show of that type called “Naked Attraction.” It’s a dating show from England that has contestants pick out who they want to date based strictly on their private parts. So we thought it would be fun to have Aunt Chippy review it. We obviously we had to blur out the dirty parts for the show, but for Aunt Chippy, we made sure she saw every uncensored bit.

the daily show Florida man Desi Lydic Speaks to Real-Life Florida Men

TDS: Desi Lydic Speaks to Real-Life Florida Men

There seems to be no shortage of news stories about wild acts done by the elusive “Florida Man,” but why? One brave reporter, Desi Lydic, journeys to the scene of the many odd crimes, determined to find answers. #TDSThrowback #DailyShow #Comedy