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Congressman George Santos Dodges Reporters After Being Charged with CONSPIRACY, FRAUD & MORE

Kimmel: Congressman George Santos Dodges Reporters After Being Charged with CONSPIRACY, FRAUD & MORE

Republicans took a fake break from fake-impeaching President Joe Biden to nominate Steve Scalise of Louisiana to be their next Speaker, the first U.S. state to allow sales of medical marijuana at regular pharmacies will be Georgia, Google announced that effective immediately entering a password will no longer be their default way to sign in, crazy things are happening in Florida and Michigan, Jimmy has been washing his jeans the wrong way, Sarah Huckabee S. has been accused of spending more than $19,000 on a lectern and cooking the books to cover it up, and we track down soon to be former Congressman George Santos (Nelson Franklin) to talk about him being indicted on charges of conspiracy, wire fraud and falsifying records.


FitBryceAdams: Bikini Strip Golf!

I took some of my girlfriends to a golf course, and being the expert golfers we are, we decided to up the stakes by playing in bikinis! Us girls, we pretty much have never played golf…at all. Please watch and enjoy us swing away, not play by the rules but make it one of the most entertaining golf experiences ever.

Martha's Vineyard v Ron DeSantis Official Trailer

Weekend Documentaries: Martha’s Vineyard v. Ron DeSantis [Official Trailer]

Sunday, October 8th, MSNBC Films presents “Martha’s Vineyard v. DeSantis,” the latest installment of “The Turning Point” documentary series from Executive Producer Trevor Noah. The film tells the story of the migrants flown to the New England island, the community that took them in, and the Florida governor behind it all. Watch “Martha’s Vineyard v. DeSantis” Sunday, October 8th at 10pm ET on MSNBC and streaming on Peacock.