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Future News Jokes Now…Just In Case

Future News Jokes Now…Just In Case

Stephen shares some thoughts on what could be ahead for The Late Show and peeks into the future for news stories that might come across his desk in the coming weeks.

Top TV Shows Premiering in May 2023

Top TV Shows Premiering in May 2023: Jury Duty

A new docu-style comedy series that takes an exclusive, never-before-seen look at the highly classified experience of serving on a jury. In a normal case, jurors are forbidden from revealing any details about the case they preside over, but this isn’t a normal case. The entire case is fake, and everyone involved is an actor – except for one guy who thinks the whole thing is real.

Tucker Emerges After Firing & MTG Criticizes Stepmothers | The Daily Show

Tucker Emerges After Firing & MTG Criticizes Stepmothers | The Daily Show

Desi Lydic breaks down the biggest news of the day, including Marjorie Taylor Greene criticizing a stepmom for not being a “real mother,” and Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson speaking up following their terminations. Then, the Daily Show news team chimes in on the FAA’s concerns over the rise in bird strikes. #DailyShow #Comedy #DesiLydic