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Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

Trump’s Repeated False Attacks on Mail-In Ballots

The president repeatedly sows doubt about mail-in voting, echoing what intelligence officials have said is a Russian strategy to undermine public trust in the election. We review his statements this month and recap our stories on his false, misleading and unsupported claims.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

Baseless Claim Turns Fake IDs Story into Voter Fraud Tale

A claim being shared on Facebook distorts the facts about fake IDs seized in a Chicago airport this year, baselessly claiming the phony IDs were tied to names “ALL Registered to Vote” as Democrats. Federal authorities announced no connection to a voter fraud scheme, and those making the claim offer no evidence.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

The President’s Trumped-Up Claims of Voter Fraud

We briefly recap the false, misleading and unsupported arguments that the president has made this year about the potential for voter fraud — starting with the case that he made for delaying the 2020 election.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

More False Mail-In Ballot Claims from Trump

California will send every registered voter in the state a mail-in ballot for the November general election. But President Donald Trump falsely said, on Twitter and at the White House, that the ballots would go to “anyone living in the state, no matter who they are or how they got there” and “people that aren’t citizens.”

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

Trump’s New Twist on False Voter Fraud Claim

President Donald Trump falsely suggested that California admitted that “a million votes” were cast as part of “much illegal voting” in that state during the 2016 presidential election.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

More Voter Fraud Misinformation from Trump

President Trump wrongly claims that “58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas.” That’s based on the state’s efforts to match driver’s license and state ID card applications from noncitizens to voter registration rolls. But none of those on the lists have been confirmed as noncitizen voters.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

Bad Math Leads to Bogus Voter Fraud Claim

Q: Was “voter fraud” responsible for Democratic wins in Orange County, California?

A: There have been no credible complaints of voter fraud in Orange County following the midterm elections.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

Trump Jr.’s False Noncitizen Voting Tweet

Amid a contentious Florida recount, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a six-year-old, and outdated, story to suggest hundreds of thousands of noncitizens could have voted in the state. The story includes an update saying just 85 noncitizens were ultimately removed from the state’s voter rolls in 2012.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

Kobach’s Bogus ‘Proofof Voter Fraud

Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, claims to have “proof” of voter fraud in New Hampshire that may have swung a U.S. Senate election in favor of the Democrats. He doesn’t.

Fact-Checks | Election Disinformation | Voter Fraud | Trump Lost

No Evidence of Busing Voters to N.H.

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller doubled down on President Trump’s unsupported claim that thousands of voters were bused in from Massachusetts to vote illegally in New Hampshire.

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