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Enhancing Healthcare Coverage and Mitigating Job Losses: The Role of Single-Payer Systems in the Age of AI Labor Markets

Explore how a single-payer healthcare system bolstered by AI technology can mitigate the impact of job losses in the era of AI-driven labor markets. Discover the benefits of continuous coverage, portability, and decoupling health benefits from employment, ensuring healthcare access for all. Dive into the synergy of policy and technology for an equitable future.

what is universal basic income

99 Reasons Why Americans Are Demanding Minimum Cash Stimulus

Discover the top 99 reasons why Americans should rally behind a minimum cash flow-based safety net, like Universal Basic Income (UBI). From poverty reduction to economic stability, explore the transformative benefits in our blog post. Support a brighter future for all today!

Workers love 4-day workweeks. And so does the planet.

Workers love 4-day workweeks. And so does the planet.

The idea of a 4-day workweek has gained traction in recent years, and for good reason. Not only does it offer workers a better work-life balance, but it could also have significant benefits for the environment. With fewer commutes and more time for sustainable activities, a shorter workweek could be a win-win for everyone.

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