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fight in the senate

jimmy kimmel monologue Fight Almost Breaks Out in the Senate

Kimmel: Fight Almost Breaks Out in the Senate, a MAGA White House Doozy & Mike Pence’s New Book

Next week is set to be the busiest Thanksgiving travel week ever, Republicans are literally fighting each other, former MMA fighter Markwayne Millin got into it with the President of the Teamsters union and Bernie Sanders had to step in the middle of it, 63% of Gen-Z-ers say they have a best friend at work, former VP Mike Pence has a new book, we are getting more information about what another MAGA White House might look like, there are new details about Melania Trump’s life in the White House, Chuck E Cheese is getting rid of the creepy animal robots that come to life and play music, and we play a round of a new game called Gimme Five!

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