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Logic & Reasoning

ad hominem fallacy explanation and examples

50 Days of Fallacy: Unmasking the Ad Hominem Fallacy

Unmasking the Ad Hominem Fallacy: Explore the history, examples, and tools to identify this common debate tactic. Learn why it’s a favorite of fraudsters and propagandists, and differentiate it from similar fallacies.

False dilemma fallacy explanation

The False Dilemma Fallacy: Oversimplifying Complex Choices

Discover the deceptive art of the false dilemma fallacy and learn how it oversimplifies complex choices. Explore real-world examples, its impact on discourse, and how to avoid this flawed reasoning for more open-minded and productive discussions.

10 Examples of a False Dilemma Fallacy

10 Examples of a False Dilemma Fallacy

Fallacies of logic, such as ad hominem, straw man, and false dilemma, can play a significant role in spreading disinformation. These fallacies are often used to manipulate and deceive people by distorting the truth and presenting false or misleading information. By using these fallacies, those spreading disinformation can cloud the issues at hand and make it difficult for people to differentiate between facts and fiction. This can lead to confusion and mistrust, and can ultimately erode the public’s faith in institutions, democracy and the media. These fallacies can also be used to influence public opinion and decision making, and to create division and mistrust among different groups of people. Thus it’s important to be aware of these fallacies and how they are used to spread disinformation.

The Most Common Logical Fallacies Associated with Public Disinformation

The Most Common Logical Fallacies Associated with Public Disinformation

Since Fox News is in court defending itself in a $1.6B defamation lawsuit for misleading the public on the integrity of US elections… it’s a good time to go over logical fallacies that commonly occur on “news” channels spreading disinformation to their viewers. Unless you studied Logic & Reasoning in college, it’s likely you’ve never heard of these. We break down the most common ones in an easy-to understand article. Learn from us and see if you can recognize them the next time you turn on your favorite “news” channel.