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Video: Trump will do ‘whatever it takes’ to get this cash

NBC News Correspondent Vaughn Hillyard and MSNBC Legal Correspondent Charles Coleman have more details on why Donald Trump is not getting help with fulfilling a nearly half a billion dollar bond to appeal his civil fraud case before his assets are seized by March 25.

CPAC Trump Nazis | Trump News

Joy: They are letting literal Nazis into their den of Trump worship

Nazis mingled openly at CPAC, a prominent conservative conference where Donald Trump has been the keynote speaker since 2017, this past weekend, according to NBC News. As both President Biden and Trump plan trips to the border, immigration is also discussed by Joy Reid and her panel.

Judge schools Trump lawyer on ‘Evidence 101’

Lawrence: Judge schools Trump lawyer on ‘Evidence 101’

Lawrence O’Donnell analyzes the latest developments from day three of E. Jean Carroll’s civil defamation suit against Donald Trump, including Trump attorney Alina Habba’s efforts to maintain her frontrunner status as Most Incompetent Trump Lawyer to Appear in Court So Far.

Jail for threats? In Trump case, RICO lawyer says real attacks land defendants in jail, not ‘gagged’

Jail for threats? In Trump case, RICO lawyer says real attacks land defendants in jail, not ‘gagged’ | MSNBC

Donald Trump’s legal team argued against a gag order in federal appeals court today. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the gag order and responds to audio from the court hearing. Manny Arora, attorney for convicted Trump aide Kenneth Chesebro, joins “The Beat” to weigh in on Trump’s clash with the DOJ in appeals court over his gag order in the DC election case, adding “If someone truly makes a threat to a witness or a prosecutor… You put them in jail.”

mitt Romney snaps

MSNBC: Something in him just snapped: ‘Profoundly disappointed’ Romney rips Trump Republicans in new book

Senator Mitt Romney, former Republican presidential nominee, has announced his retirement at the end of his current term, but he is not going quietly. On his way out he is making his feelings about past and current colleagues abundantly clear, with particular scorn directed at Donald Trump and his acolytes for what they’ve done to the Republican Party and the country broadly. McKay Coppins, author of the newly published “Romney: A Reckoning,” talks with Alex Wagner about his interactions with Romney in the course of writing the book.

Prevalence of mass shootings extends reach of gun violence across communities

Prevalence of mass shootings extends reach of gun violence across communities

Rachel Maddow looks at how school shootings have touched the lives of so many Americans that journalists who survived school shootings as children find themselves reporting on new school shootings as adults while their colleagues report on their own children in lockdown and some students live through multiple tragedies.