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success stories

We Left San Francisco Jobs And Turned An Abandoned Inn Into A Desert Oasis

Make It: We Left San Francisco Jobs And Turned An Abandoned Inn Into A Desert Oasis

Sara Combs, 36, and Rich Combs, 37, quit full-time jobs as web designers to start The Joshua Tree House, a hospitality company, in 2015. Three years later, they purchased an abandoned inn in Tucson, AZ for $615,000. The couple took out a hard money loan and renovated the entire property into a luxurious desert getaway. Today, the six-suite inn is available to rent year-round and offers views of Saguaro National Park. The couple also owns three other commercial properties located in Joshua Tree, CA.

How I Built Mike's Hot Honey Into A $40 Million-A-Year Business

Make It: How I Built Mike’s Hot Honey Into A $40 Million-A-Year Business

After years of creating and perfecting his hot honey recipe at home, Mike Kurtz brought in a bottle to show his boss, Paulie Gee, while serving as his pizza apprentice. Paulie loved it, and the unique topping quickly became a hit. From there, demand grew and what had started as a hobby for Mike, suddenly picked up steam and is now a full-blown company bringing in $40 million a year.

Natural Form Mattresses