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Trump Crimes

Biden vs Trump | The Rematch

Video: Trump is unable to make $464 million bond

Former President Donald Trump can’t find an insurance company to underwrite his bond to cover the massive judgment against him in the New York attorney general’s civil fraud case, his lawyers told a New York appeals court. CNN’s Kara Scannell reports.

Jail for threats? In Trump case, RICO lawyer says real attacks land defendants in jail, not ‘gagged’

Jail for threats? In Trump case, RICO lawyer says real attacks land defendants in jail, not ‘gagged’ | MSNBC

Donald Trump’s legal team argued against a gag order in federal appeals court today. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the gag order and responds to audio from the court hearing. Manny Arora, attorney for convicted Trump aide Kenneth Chesebro, joins “The Beat” to weigh in on Trump’s clash with the DOJ in appeals court over his gag order in the DC election case, adding “If someone truly makes a threat to a witness or a prosecutor… You put them in jail.”

civil business fraud case against trump is a hoax

Daily Fact-Check: Civil Business Trump Fraud Case Not a Hoax

Former President Donald Trump cited an article in the New York Law Journal as evidence that a civil business fraud case against him is a “hoax.” The author of the article argued that dissolution of Trump’s LLCs is not a remedy included in the law, but he also wrote that “the judge was 100% right in holding that the Trump actions were fraudulent” and that Trump ought to face penalties.