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Universal Basic Investment is the solution to [almost] all of society’s problems and the only economic plan that unleashes all the benefits of capitalism.

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Why Minimum Wage Falls Short: The Case for Universal Basic Income

While the minimum wage may seem like a logical solution to income inequality, it places an undue burden on small businesses and may not guarantee a living wage. Instead, we need to consider Universal Basic Income (UBI), which provides financial stability for citizens and empowers them to negotiate fair compensation with their employers. UBI also gives citizens something that minimum wage never can – time – to pursue education or start a business.

Unveiling the Impending Disruption: Top 50 Jobs Vulnerable to AI Takeover by 2025

Explore the ominous forecast for employment as AI technology advances. Our PhD-level blog post ranks the top 50 jobs most vulnerable to AI takeover by 2025, revealing the impending disruption in various industries. Discover how automation reshapes the workforce landscape and learn how to navigate this transformative era.

Navigating Technological Disruption: The Imperative of Minimum Cash Flow-Based Safety Nets

Explore the critical role of a minimum cash flow-based safety net like monthly Universal Basic Income (UBI) in mitigating societal upheaval caused by rapid technological advancements. Discover how UBI ensures economic resilience, supports human capital investment, fosters innovation, and reduces social disruption in the era of accelerating artificial technologies.

Examining the Nexus of Factors Leading to Runaway Inflation: A Multi-Faceted Analysis

Explore the intricate web of factors driving runaway inflation in recent years. Delve into the poorly managed pandemic response, overreliance on foreign supply chains, energy dependence, and unchecked price gouging in healthcare, academia, and real estate. Understand how these interconnected elements have contributed to the current inflationary landscape. A comprehensive analysis for policymakers and economists.

The Evolution of AI in Customer Services: Transforming Call Centers and Dispatch Services by 2025

Explore the imminent transformation of customer service and call dispatch industries with AI technologies by 2025. Discover the potential benefits for businesses, enhanced customer experiences, and socioeconomic challenges arising from job displacement. Delve into the lessons learned from history and the role of a universal basic income-type security net in addressing workforce changes. Stay informed about the evolving landscape at a PhD-level perspective.

what is universal basic income

99 Reasons Why Americans Are Demanding Minimum Cash Stimulus

Discover the top 99 reasons why Americans should rally behind a minimum cash flow-based safety net, like Universal Basic Income (UBI). From poverty reduction to economic stability, explore the transformative benefits in our blog post. Support a brighter future for all today!

Citizen's Dividend

The Citizen’s Dividend: Securing Prosperity in the Age of AI

As we approach the 2024 election, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications on the economy have become the most significant talking point. While AI promises immense benefits for capitalism, company profitability, and society as a whole, the potential disruption it poses to employment and job markets cannot be overlooked. Failing to address this challenge adequately would be a legislative malpractice that could lead to anarchy, crime, and despair. The solution lies in the concept of the Citizens’ Dividend, a transformative policy that ensures the prosperity and stability of all citizens in the face of AI-driven changes.

UBI v. Equities

Economic data implies UBI would lead to a rise in equities.

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