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US Military

Why The Pentagon Is Spending Billions To Bring Laser Weapons To The Battlefield

CNBC: Why The Pentagon Is Spending Billions To Bring Laser Weapons To The Battlefield

Direct energy weapons such as lasers and high powered microwaves may soon be used to defend against drones and rockets on the battlefield. These futuristic sounding weapons are part of a new wave of devices produced from billions of dollars in research and development from the Defense Department. But how close is the U.S. military to using these weapons in the field?

Milley farewell address hits back at trump

Milley defends democracy, swipes at Trump in farewell address

Army Gen. Mark Milley delivered a full-throated defense of democracy and not-so-subtle swipes at former President Donald Trump during a packed ceremony as he closed out his four, often tumultuous years as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

general mark milley 60 minutes interview

Gen. Mark Milley: The 60 Minutes Interview

Gen. Mark Milley looked back at his years as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including the differences he had with President Trump that nearly caused him to resign.