Economic Issues Facing the American Voters in 2024

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Economic Issues Facing the American Voters in 2024

Photo Credit: Brian Lawson
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The state of the economy, including job creation, wages, and taxation, remains a perennial concern for voters. Economic policies impact the financial well-being of individuals and families across the nation.

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Biden's Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

Biden’s Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

In recent months, Americans have faced an unprecedented rise in the price of eggs, leaving many households feeling the pinch at the grocery store. While some pundits have pointed fingers in various directions, including at President Biden’s infrastructure investments, it’s crucial to understand that these projects are not the culprits behind the escalating cost of this everyday staple. Instead, factors such as the avian influenza outbreak, rising feed and fuel costs, and general inflationary pressures have driven the surge in egg prices. Understanding these real causes is essential for addressing the challenges effectively.

Read the full article to learn more about the true reasons behind the high cost of eggs and why infrastructure investments are not to blame.

5 Reasons Why Biden's Investments in the Electric Vehicle Industry May Have Saved America's Future Economy

5 Reasons Why Biden’s Investments in the Electric Vehicle Industry May Have Saved America’s Future Economy

President Joe Biden’s strategic investments in the electric vehicle (EV) industry are more than an environmental initiative; they are a critical move to secure America’s economic future. These investments are driving job creation, fostering technological innovation, enhancing environmental sustainability, modernizing infrastructure, and ensuring global competitiveness. As the world shifts towards cleaner, more advanced transportation, Biden’s policies position the United States as a leader in this transformative era.

Dark Brandon

Preventing a cobalt crisis in Congo

Rebels in eastern Congo and the Congolese army have been fighting since the 1990s. The fighting escalated in 2022 as Rwanda-backed rebels, known as M23, invaded and took over several villages. The violence escalated further last summer when M23 moved closer to the area near Goma, one of the largest cities in the region. A war between Congo and Rwanda would not only be a humanitarian disaster, but it would upend the administration’s efforts to get into the cobalt market — a key component for electric vehicle batteries. Congo is home to about 70 percent of the world’s cobalt reserves, and China, one of Washington’s biggest trade competitors, is its main producer and is supporting M23 with drones.

Dark Brandon

Biden moves to bring microchip production home

The Covid pandemic sharpened bipartisan fears in Washington about U.S. reliance on microchips produced overseas — primarily in China or Taiwan. As factories shut down in Asia and supply chains snarled, U.S. automakers and other manufacturers were unable to get the chips they needed, idling their plants and spiking prices for cars and other goods. That led the Biden administration and lawmakers from both parties to consider policies to bring production of the most advanced microchips back to the U.S.

Biden's Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

Biden’s Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

In recent months, Americans have faced an unprecedented rise in the price of eggs, leaving many households feeling the pinch at the grocery store. While some pundits have pointed fingers in various directions, including at President Biden’s infrastructure investments, it’s crucial to understand that these projects are not the culprits behind the escalating cost of this everyday staple. Instead, factors such as the avian influenza outbreak, rising feed and fuel costs, and general inflationary pressures have driven the surge in egg prices. Understanding these real causes is essential for addressing the challenges effectively.

Read the full article to learn more about the true reasons behind the high cost of eggs and why infrastructure investments are not to blame.

5 Reasons Why Biden's Investments in the Electric Vehicle Industry May Have Saved America's Future Economy

5 Reasons Why Biden’s Investments in the Electric Vehicle Industry May Have Saved America’s Future Economy

President Joe Biden’s strategic investments in the electric vehicle (EV) industry are more than an environmental initiative; they are a critical move to secure America’s economic future. These investments are driving job creation, fostering technological innovation, enhancing environmental sustainability, modernizing infrastructure, and ensuring global competitiveness. As the world shifts towards cleaner, more advanced transportation, Biden’s policies position the United States as a leader in this transformative era.

Dark Brandon

Preventing a cobalt crisis in Congo

Rebels in eastern Congo and the Congolese army have been fighting since the 1990s. The fighting escalated in 2022 as Rwanda-backed rebels, known as M23, invaded and took over several villages. The violence escalated further last summer when M23 moved closer to the area near Goma, one of the largest cities in the region. A war between Congo and Rwanda would not only be a humanitarian disaster, but it would upend the administration’s efforts to get into the cobalt market — a key component for electric vehicle batteries. Congo is home to about 70 percent of the world’s cobalt reserves, and China, one of Washington’s biggest trade competitors, is its main producer and is supporting M23 with drones.

Dark Brandon

Biden moves to bring microchip production home

The Covid pandemic sharpened bipartisan fears in Washington about U.S. reliance on microchips produced overseas — primarily in China or Taiwan. As factories shut down in Asia and supply chains snarled, U.S. automakers and other manufacturers were unable to get the chips they needed, idling their plants and spiking prices for cars and other goods. That led the Biden administration and lawmakers from both parties to consider policies to bring production of the most advanced microchips back to the U.S.

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College | Student Debt | Brooke Cagle

A penalty for college programs that trap students in debt

For decades, the federal government has gone back and forth on the best way to solve the problem of workers who struggle to earn a living after graduating from the country’s for-profit colleges or career training programs. The Obama administration first laid out specific metrics requiring schools who want access to a lucrative stream of government funds to prove that its graduates are prepared for “gainful employment” and don’t end up with lots of student debt relative to their income. But Obama’s team never fully implemented its rules after lengthy legal fights. The Trump administration eventually scrapped the effort. Then Biden won office, and revived Obama’s plan — with a twist.

cannabis | marijuana | richtea360

Biden recommends loosening federal restrictions on marijuana

Since the Nixon administration, marijuana has been classified in federal law in the same category as LSD and heroin — drugs categorized as having a high propensity for addiction and no known medical value. In October 2022, as more and more states have moved to legalize cannabis, Biden issued an executive order directing the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct a review of all available cannabis science and recommend whether the classification of marijuana should be changed.

Dark Brandon

A new agency to investigate cyberattacks

Organizations that fall victim to hacks often keep tight-lipped about what happened due to fear of legal liability or brand damage. But cybersecurity experts have long warned that the country will never break free from an endless cycle of computer breaches unless companies and government agencies become more transparent about how they got infiltrated. The danger was underscored in 2020 when a sophisticated Russian hack breached nine federal agencies.

sexy girl | Alex Azabache |

Giving smaller food producers a boost

Soaring food prices and supply chain crunches for meat and other staples during the Covid-19 pandemic drew attention to the highly consolidated agriculture sector, in which key sectors like meatpacking are dominated by a handful of “Big Ag” behemoths. Biden entered office promising to crack down on food monopolies and support small and midsize U.S. farmers, whose numbers have cratered in recent decades.

College | Student Debt | Brooke Cagle

A penalty for college programs that trap students in debt

For decades, the federal government has gone back and forth on the best way to solve the problem of workers who struggle to earn a living after graduating from the country’s for-profit colleges or career training programs. The Obama administration first laid out specific metrics requiring schools who want access to a lucrative stream of government funds to prove that its graduates are prepared for “gainful employment” and don’t end up with lots of student debt relative to their income. But Obama’s team never fully implemented its rules after lengthy legal fights. The Trump administration eventually scrapped the effort. Then Biden won office, and revived Obama’s plan — with a twist.

cannabis | marijuana | richtea360

Biden recommends loosening federal restrictions on marijuana

Since the Nixon administration, marijuana has been classified in federal law in the same category as LSD and heroin — drugs categorized as having a high propensity for addiction and no known medical value. In October 2022, as more and more states have moved to legalize cannabis, Biden issued an executive order directing the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct a review of all available cannabis science and recommend whether the classification of marijuana should be changed.

Dark Brandon

A new agency to investigate cyberattacks

Organizations that fall victim to hacks often keep tight-lipped about what happened due to fear of legal liability or brand damage. But cybersecurity experts have long warned that the country will never break free from an endless cycle of computer breaches unless companies and government agencies become more transparent about how they got infiltrated. The danger was underscored in 2020 when a sophisticated Russian hack breached nine federal agencies.

sexy girl | Alex Azabache |

Giving smaller food producers a boost

Soaring food prices and supply chain crunches for meat and other staples during the Covid-19 pandemic drew attention to the highly consolidated agriculture sector, in which key sectors like meatpacking are dominated by a handful of “Big Ag” behemoths. Biden entered office promising to crack down on food monopolies and support small and midsize U.S. farmers, whose numbers have cratered in recent decades.

The Last Word

Our comprehensive exploration of the economic issues shaping the 2024 election landscape aims to empower voters with valuable insights and information. By delving into the intricacies of these crucial matters, we strive to foster a deeper understanding of their impact on the nation. As voters navigate the choices before them, these resources serve as a guide, illuminating the complexities and nuances of the economic landscape. We encourage you to explore the linked posts, stay informed, and engage in the democratic process armed with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions that align with your vision for America’s economic future.


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