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On The Issues

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Making medication more accessible through telemedicine

During the Covid public health emergency, the federal government took several steps to make it easier to access health care via telemedicine. Most of those measures have ended. But one of the regulations that Biden held in place allows many controlled substances like Adderall for ADHD treatment, testosterone for gender-affirming care and buprenorphine to treat opioid use disorder to be prescribed without first having an in-person visit. In-person-visit requirements have traditionally been used to prevent fraud and abuse.

benefits of universal basic healthcare | picsea

The Cost-Effective Wisdom of Universal Basic Healthcare

Explore the cost-effective wisdom of universal basic healthcare in this article. Discover how preventive care, reduced emergency room visits, and societal equality contribute to long-term savings and improved public health outcomes.

Appeal to Fear Fallacy

The Appeal to Fear Fallacy: Understanding Its Influence and Pitfalls

Explore the insidious influence of the Appeal to Fear fallacy in rhetoric and persuasion. Learn how it manipulates emotions, distorts perceptions, and undermines rational discourse, and discover strategies to counter its deceptive tactics for informed decision-making.

benefits of UBI Environmental Responsibility

How Universal Basic Income (UBI) Empowers Environmental Sustainability

Explore how Universal Basic Income (UBI) can empower individuals to prioritize environmentally friendly choices, fostering sustainability through financial security, innovation, conscious consumption, education, and lifestyle changes. Discover the transformative potential of UBI in shaping a greener future for our planet.

benefits of universal basic healthcare

The Economic Impact of Universal Basic Healthcare: A Cost-Saving Revolution

Explore the potential economic impact of Universal Basic Healthcare in the United States. Despite logistical challenges, recent studies project annual savings of $500 billion, challenging the notion that UBH is a financial burden. Discover how administrative efficiency, preventive care, and negotiating power could revolutionize the nation’s healthcare system, leading to a healthier population and substantial cost savings for American taxpayers.

UBI Dignity and Autonomy

Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Human Dignity: A Path to Independent Basic Needs Fulfillment

Explore the transformative impact of Universal Basic Income (UBI) on human dignity. Discover how UBI, by ensuring every individual’s access to basic needs, fosters autonomy, reduces stigma, and enhances mental well-being, creating a more inclusive and harmonious society. Join the conversation on how UBI can be a catalyst for positive change and a pathway to a dignified and equitable future.

paying for universal basic income

Financing Universal Basic Income: A Comprehensive Approach

Explore the financial landscape of Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the U.S. Discover estimated costs, potential savings from universal healthcare, welfare service consolidation, and technological advancements. Delve into the proposal of a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on national GDP for budget balancing. Uncover intangible benefits, including reduced poverty and crime, contributing to an enhanced quality of life. Gain insights into a comprehensive approach to financing UBI and its potential societal impact.

trump coup case

Singing on Trump? Stunning report reveals top WH aide spilling the beans to Jack Smith

Stunning new details about what Trump said on January 6th, what he did or didn’t do. ABC News reporting Trump’s former White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Dan Scavino, testified about it all to Jack Smith. Sources telling ABC Scavino told Smith’s investigators that as the violence began to escalate that day, Trump “was just not interested” in doing more to stop it. NBC News has not independently confirmed this reporting. Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman,, former Senator Claire McCaskill, and The Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig join Ali Velshi on Deadline White House with reaction.

Debunking Bogus Claim of ‘Bipartisan’ Support for Mayorkas Impeachment Hearings

Legislators often tout support for some piece of legislation as bipartisan, even if only a few members from the opposing party back it. But in an announcement about committee hearings to investigate the possible impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, one Republican is taking claims of bipartisanship to absurd new lengths.

kamala harris Jeffrey epstein photo

Fake News Alert: Posts Use Transposed Mugshot of Epstein to Target Kamala Harris

A federal judge has ordered the release of documents that will identify scores of accused sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s associates. The order has led many social media users to share a digitally manipulated image that purports to show Vice President Kamala Harris posing with Epstein. The original photo showed Harris with her husband, Douglas Emhoff.

Murder at the State of the Union? Nightmare Trump scenarios outlined in DOJ coup case

Murder at the State of the Union? Nightmare Trump scenarios outlined in DOJ coup case

In a new filing, Jack Smith outlines what could happen if Donald Trump is granted immunity in the Jan. 6 coup case, saying “the Nation would have no recourse to deter a President from inciting his supporters during a State of the Union address to kill opposing lawmakers… to ensure that he remains in office unlawfully.” MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the limits of legal immunity and is joined by former prosecutor Renato Mariotti.