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Daily FactCheck

Vaccinations | Vaccines

Viral Video Repeats Bogus Claim About Vaccines and Visible Ailments

A video repeating the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the sudden onset of various visible ailments — such as fainting and facial paralysis — is making the rounds, again. But, just like the other, similar posts we’ve addressed, there’s no support for this one, either.

High Winds, Drought Conditions Led to Maui Fires, No Evidence Intentionally Set

High Winds, Drought Conditions Led to Maui Fires, No Evidence Intentionally Set

It’s not known what sparked the wildfires in Maui, although some evidence points to downed power lines. The conditions were ripe for fire, as large amounts of invasive grasses were dry due to drought and high winds helped to rapidly spread flames. Bogus posts on social media, however, are baselessly claiming the fires were intentionally set.

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