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Biden's Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

Biden’s Investment in American Infrastructure is Not Why The Price of Eggs is High

In recent months, Americans have faced an unprecedented rise in the price of eggs, leaving many households feeling the pinch at the grocery store. While some pundits have pointed fingers in various directions, including at President Biden’s infrastructure investments, it’s crucial to understand that these projects are not the culprits behind the escalating cost of this everyday staple. Instead, factors such as the avian influenza outbreak, rising feed and fuel costs, and general inflationary pressures have driven the surge in egg prices. Understanding these real causes is essential for addressing the challenges effectively.

Read the full article to learn more about the true reasons behind the high cost of eggs and why infrastructure investments are not to blame.

sexy girl | Alex Azabache | https://unsplash.com/@alexazabache

Giving smaller food producers a boost

Soaring food prices and supply chain crunches for meat and other staples during the Covid-19 pandemic drew attention to the highly consolidated agriculture sector, in which key sectors like meatpacking are dominated by a handful of “Big Ag” behemoths. Biden entered office promising to crack down on food monopolies and support small and midsize U.S. farmers, whose numbers have cratered in recent decades.

benefits of universal basic healthcare | picsea

The Cost-Effective Wisdom of Universal Basic Healthcare

Explore the cost-effective wisdom of universal basic healthcare in this article. Discover how preventive care, reduced emergency room visits, and societal equality contribute to long-term savings and improved public health outcomes.

healthcare system costs

Doctors unionize as healthcare services are consolidated into corporate systems

As recently as the early 80s, about three of every four doctors in the U.S. worked for themselves, owning small clinics. Today, some 75 percent of physicians are employees of hospital systems or large corporate entities. Some worry the trend is leading to diminished quality of care and is one reason doctors at a large Midwestern health provider decided to unionize. Fred de Sam Lazaro reports.

Why Rice Markets Are In Crisis Mode

CNBC: Why Rice Markets Are In Crisis Mode

Global supplies of rice are facing its most significant shortage in two decades, exacerbating food insecurity fears. Rice is a staple food for over half the world’s population. India’s export bans sent shockwaves through markets as some argue the country is using food as a political pawn. America’s $34 billion rice industry must compete against the same market uncertainty while managing droughts, floods and changing temperatures. Watch this video to learn more about how global rice markets influence food security, geopolitics and the livelihoods of millions of farmers.

COVID-19 Vaccines Alter DNA Cause Cancer

Daily Fact-Check: Have COVID-19 Vaccines Been Shown to Alter DNA, Cause Cancer?

Small amounts of DNA from the manufacturing process may remain in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Purification and quality control steps ensure any leftover DNA is present within regulatory limits. There isn’t reason to think that this residual DNA would alter a person’s DNA or cause cancer, contrary to claims made online.

How Many Zombie Firms Are Left In The U.S.?

CNBC: How Many Zombie Firms Are Left In The U.S.?

Some firms sustain their businesses by taking on more debt that they likely could never repay. Economists call them zombie companies. When compared to their peers, zombies are smaller in size and deliver lower returns to investors. These companies distort markets, keeping resources from their fundamentally sound competitors. Banks and governments keep zombie firms alive with bailout loans. As the Fed resets the economy with higher interest rates, many zombie firms are filing for bankruptcy.

Universal Basic Income vs Welfare Comparative Analysis

Universal Basic Income vs. Welfare: A Comparative Analysis

Explore the comparative analysis of Universal Basic Income (UBI) and traditional welfare programs in the context of economic security, administrative efficiency, work incentives, poverty reduction, and stigmatization. Discover the advantages and drawbacks of each approach to inform the debate on social safety nets.

Vaccinations | Vaccines

Viral Video Repeats Bogus Claim About Vaccines and Visible Ailments

A video repeating the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the sudden onset of various visible ailments — such as fainting and facial paralysis — is making the rounds, again. But, just like the other, similar posts we’ve addressed, there’s no support for this one, either.

sexy girl | artem labunsky | https://unsplash.com/@labunsky

Why Minimum Wage Falls Short: The Case for Universal Basic Income

While the minimum wage may seem like a logical solution to income inequality, it places an undue burden on small businesses and may not guarantee a living wage. Instead, we need to consider Universal Basic Income (UBI), which provides financial stability for citizens and empowers them to negotiate fair compensation with their employers. UBI also gives citizens something that minimum wage never can – time – to pursue education or start a business.

Sexy Girl | Garin Chadwick | https://unsplash.com/@garinchadwick

America’s Failing Welfare System: Time for Change

America’s welfare system: a costly maze, a bandaid fix, and a missed opportunity. It’s time to break free from divisions and embrace innovative solutions. Let’s invest in education where it matters, provide stipends for local college dreams, and bridge the gap to success. And as for homelessness, a universal basic income holds the key, ensuring no one falls through the cracks. It’s time to rewrite the story, empower individuals, and build a brighter future for all.

Sexy Girl | Dainis Graveris | https://unsplash.com/@dainisgraveris

The Failing Prison System: A Tool of Extortion Against the American People

As the prison doors close, so does the promise of justice and rehabilitation. What was meant to protect society and guide individuals towards a better path has become a mechanism of exploitation and failure. Join us as we uncover the shocking truth about America’s prison system and how it has transformed into a tool to extort the American people.