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SHOCKING: Hear the Dolly Parton Song Banned From 1st-Grade Concert in Wisconsin

Hear the Dolly Parton song done with her god daughter Miley Cyrus that was banned from a first-grade concert in Wisconsin.

Administrators at a Wisconsin elementary school stopped a first-grade class from performing a Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton duet promoting LGBTQ acceptance because the song “could be perceived as controversial.”

Students at Heyer Elementary School in Waukesha had prepared a rendition of “Rainbowland” for their spring concert, but school officials struck the song from the lineup last week. Parents in the district say the decision was made because the song encourages LGBTQ acceptance and references rainbows.

Full Story:Β Wisconsin school bans Miley Cyrus, Dolly Parton duet from class concert (CBS)

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